Partner: Denisha,Florida
Cash Required $0
Purchase Date 05/02/2018
# Of Days To Closing 108 Days
# Of Deals To Date 1
Property Location Pembroke Pines

Denisha is an accountant with six children. Her demanding job and responsibilities at home left her stressed and overworked. She this recurring, nagging feeling that real estate was her path to freedom, but she was afraid her limited resources (time-money-knowledge) would keep her from success. Jumping into the world of real estate investment alone is risky. With their finances, one bad deal could be catastrophic.

Enter Peter Vekselman!!!! Peter’s Partner-Based Coaching gave her the knowledge and confidence she needed to easily find a profitable deal in her first week. Peter’s program is not just coaching…he is an active partner. Peter was present at every stage of the deal to guide her, advise her, and step in to help as needed.

Peter went with her to view the property and meet the seller. He helped her with contracts and negotiation. When Denisha had a question or concern, she called Peter and he talked her through it.

Denisha learned step-by-step how to execute her deal. She had access to Peter’s systems, short-cuts, and tools. This took out the guess work and gave her the power to negotiate the best possible price.

Financing the deal was the last piece of the puzzle. Denisha didn’t want to finance through the bank or take a traditional mortgage. A she didn’t meet the requirements the bank was looking for. Peter was able to fully finance her deal for a reasonable rate that fit within the budget of the deal.

With Peter’s help, Denisha was able to close the deal with $30,000 profit. She split the profits with Peter. Denisha will partner with Peter on her next few deals, until she feels confident to go out on her own. Even then, Peter’s team and resources are at her disposal whenever she needs a hand.