Partner Driven Real Estate Partnership

your partner proposal


your partner



your partner


FACT #1   Partnering is the surest and fastest way to success in real estate without ever having to risk your own capital.

FACT #2   Your real estate success is attainable when you have a partner who is willing to train you, fund your deals, & split profits with you.


  1. Partner with us & earn 50% of profit on the deals we do together
  2. Get one-on-one coaching directly from Peter & Julie through real live deals
  3. Have access to our team for comps, contracts, scripts, and professional resources
  4. Use our money, not yours. No loan, no down payments, no risk.
    We will bring 100% of the capital
  5. Get access to the latest real estate technology and professional strategies
  6. You will NEVER have to pay for inspections
  7. You will NEVER have to pay down payments
  8. You will NEVER have to pay carrying costs
  9. Get one-on-one advice on EVERY deal to ensure success
  10. We will help you scale, train, and build your dream business


Why? Because through our PARTNER-DRIVEN COACHING PROGRAM we eliminate the 3 primary reasons that people fail in real estate.

Lack of Knowledge. Lack of Experience. Lack of Money.

Knowledge | Real Estate is a risky business. New investors get themselves in trouble all the time because they lack the knowledge to make the right moves. In our one-on-one coaching program, you are a phone call away from guidance through every step of the deal! We coach you on how to find, negotiate, work, and close deals that make money. From live coaching to training videos, you learn the tricks of the trade. Our #1 goal is to accelerate your learning and your confidence so that you can start making money fast.

Experience |  We’ve done 3,600 deals and we know the business inside and out. We hold your hand through each step of the deal. We help you identify what is a good deal and what is not. What is a waste of time, what is productive, and what will turn a profit. We steer you away from new investor pit-falls! Never again will you feel insecure about your choices. You have an experienced partner that will help you avoid costly mistakes.

Money | Our team will fund 100% of your deals. For you that means no loans, no down payments, no rehab expenses, no carrying costs, no closing costs. No risk. We take 100% of the financial responsibility and risk. We split the profits with you 50/50. In this proposal will explain the whole thing to you…But simply put….we want to be your partner!


  1. Partner with us & earn 50% of profit on the deals we do together
  2. Get one-on-one coaching through real live deals
  3. Have access to our team for comps, contracts, scripts, and professional resources
  4. Use our money, not yours. No loan, no down payments, no risk.
    We will bring 100% of the capital
  5. Get access to the latest real estate technology and professional strategies
  6. You will NEVER have to pay for inspections
  7. You will NEVER have to pay down payments
  8. You will NEVER have to pay carrying costs
  9. Get one-on-one advice on EVERY deal you do with us to ensure success
  10. We will help you scale, train, and build your dream business


Why? Because through our PARTNER-DRIVEN COACHING PROGRAM we eliminate the 3 primary reasons that people fail in real estate.

Lack of Knowledge. Lack of Experience. Lack of Money.

Knowledge | Real Estate is a risky business. New investors get themselves in trouble all the time because they lack the knowledge to make the right moves. In our one-on-one coaching program, you are a phone call away from guidance through every step of the deal! We coach you on how to find, negotiate, work, and close deals that make money. From live coaching to training videos, you learn the tricks of the trade. Our #1 goal is to accelerate your learning and your confidence so that you can start making money fast.

Experience |  We’ve done 3,600 deals and we know the business inside and out. We hold your hand through each step of the deal. We help you identify what is a good deal and what is not. What is a waste of time, what is productive, and what will turn a profit. We steer you away from new investor pit-falls! Never again will you feel insecure about your choices. You have an experienced partner that will help you avoid costly mistakes.

Money | Our team will fund the deals you do with us. For you that means no loans, no down payments, no rehab expenses, no carrying costs, no closing costs. No risk. We take the financial responsibility and risk. We split the profits with you 50/50. In this proposal will explain the whole thing to you…But simply put….we want to be your partner!

what our partners have to say…


  1. Partner with us & earn 50% of profit on the deals we do together
  2. Get one-on-one coaching directly from Peter & Julie through real live deals
  3. Have access to our team for comps, contracts, scripts, and professional resources
  4. Use our money, not yours. No loan, no down payments, no risk.
    We will bring 100% of the capital
  5. Get access to the latest real estate technology and professional strategies
  6. You will NEVER have to pay for inspections
  7. You will NEVER have to pay down payments
  8. You will NEVER have to pay carrying costs
  9. Get one-on-one advice on EVERY deal to ensure success
  10. We will help you scale, train, and build your dream business


Why? Because through our PARTNER-DRIVEN COACHING PROGRAM we eliminate the 3 primary reasons that people fail in real estate.

Lack of Knowledge. Lack of Experience. Lack of Money.

Knowledge | Real Estate is a risky business. New investors get themselves in trouble all the time because they lack the knowledge to make the right moves. In our one-on-one coaching program, you are a phone call away from guidance through every step of the deal! We coach you on how to find, negotiate, work, and close deals that make money. From live coaching to training videos, you learn the tricks of the trade. Our #1 goal is to accelerate your learning and your confidence so that you can start making money fast.

Experience |  We’ve done 3,600 deals and we know the business inside and out. We hold your hand through each step of the deal. We help you identify what is a good deal and what is not. What is a waste of time, what is productive, and what will turn a profit. We steer you away from new investor pit-falls! Never again will you feel insecure about your choices. You have an experienced partner that will help you avoid costly mistakes.

Money | Our team will fund 100% of your deals. For you that means no loans, no down payments, no rehab expenses, no carrying costs, no closing costs. No risk. We take 100% of the financial responsibility and risk. We split the profits with you 50/50. In this proposal will explain the whole thing to you…But simply put….we want to be your partner!

what our partners have to say…



FACT #3 If others have been successful, you can too…

Rehabs sold



join the partner driven team and get…

The Partner Driven Stack-black

your partnership includes…

The Partner Driven Stack-black



partner benefit #1


100% Funding on qualified deals & split profits with you 50/50

In our Partner Program you get to Partner directly with Partner Driven. This means that we will provide 100% of the funding for all your qualified deals. This is not a loan. We pay for everything. That includes the purchase price, rehab budget, inspections, closings and more! Project goes over budget? Home stays on the market for longer than expected? We cover those costs too. Partner Driven removes your financial risk from the deal.

As a Partner, you don’t have to worry about financing, a mortgage, or a private money loan. You can rest easy knowing that we take on all the costs of the deal and don’t charge you points or percentages. Let’s face it…doing a deal on your own is EXPENSIVE. With Partner Driven, you have a Partner to cover the costs.


partner benefit #1


100% Funding on qualifying deals & split profits with you 50/50

In our Partner Program you get to Partner directly with Partner Driven. This means that we will provide 100% of the funding for all your qualifying deals. This is not a loan. We pay for everything. That includes the purchase price, rehab budget, inspections, closings and more! Project goes over budget? Home stays on the market for longer than expected? We cover those costs too. Partner Driven removes your financial risk from the deal.

As a Partner, you don’t have to worry about financing, a mortgage, or a private money loan. You can rest easy knowing that we take on all the costs of the deal and don’t charge you points or percentages. Let’s face it…doing a deal on your own is EXPENSIVE. With Partner Driven, you have a Partner to cover the costs.

our proof is in our partners

our proof is in our partners

(…these are just a few recent posts…our Partner Facebook page is full of Partners closing deals!)

Under contract
Signed contract
Partner wholesale

(…these are just a few recent posts…our Partner Facebook page is full of Partners closing deals!)

Under contract
Signed contract
Partner wholesale


call us! (770) 746-8585
or schedule a call below to learn more


partner benefit #2


 Live Training Calls with the Partner Driven Coaching Team

We do daily interactive coaching calls with our partners to help them master the top money generating activities in real estate investing. We go beyond basic training and dive into the specific scenarios that our partners are finding in their marketplaces. The calls include training, role playing, and open Q&A’s to help our partners succeed. Every call is recorded and shared in our community.


partner benefit #2


Live Training Calls with the Partner Driven Coaching Team

We do daily interactive coaching calls with our partners to help them master the top money generating activities in real estate investing. We go beyond basic training and dive into the specific scenarios that our partners are finding in their marketplaces. The calls include training, role playing, and open Q&A’s to help our partners succeed. Every call is recorded and shared in our community.

our proof is in our training

our proof is in our training

(…our partners join us everyday for live training, role playing, q&a, and more!)

DTC April 2024

(…our partners join us everyday for live training, role playing, q&a, and more!)

DTC April 2024



partner benefit #3


One-On-One Deal Coaching

At Partner Driven, our commitment to your success extends beyond providing capital and resources. Once you have a deal under contract, our expert coaches step in to offer personalized, one-on-one support tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced professionals guide you through every phase of the transaction, from due diligence to closing, ensuring you have the insights and strategies necessary to maximize profitability. Whether you need help navigating complex negotiations, managing renovations, or understanding market dynamics, Partner Driven coaches are dedicated to helping you achieve your real estate goals with confidence and precision.


partner benefit #3


One-On-One Mentoring Sessions with the Partner Driven Coaches

At Partner Driven, our commitment to your success extends beyond providing capital and resources. Once you have a deal under contract, our expert coaches step in to offer personalized, one-on-one support tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced professionals guide you through every phase of the transaction, from due diligence to closing, ensuring you have the insights and strategies necessary to maximize profitability. Whether you need help navigating complex negotiations, managing renovations, or understanding market dynamics, Partner Driven coaches are dedicated to helping you achieve your real estate goals with confidence and precision.

our proof is in our relationships

our proof is in our relationships

Susan cross
Deals done
Partner Driven Real Estate Investing Coaching
Susan cross
Deals done
Partner Driven Real Estate Investing Coaching



partner benefit #4


Profitable Deal Analysis, deal negotiation support, and expert advice

Never worry or wonder if a deal is good or not. On our one-on-one calls we will talk through the numbers, analyze your deals, negotiate them, and take it all the way through to monetization.


partner benefit #4


Profitable Deal Analysis, deal negotiation support, and expert advice 

Never worry or wonder if a deal is good or not. On our one-on-one calls we will talk through the numbers, analyze your deals, negotiate them, and take it all the way through to monetization.

our proof is in our monetization

our proof is in our monetization

Deal week
Offer accepted
Flip house
accepted offer
Deal week
Offer accepted
Flip house
accepted offer



partner benefit #5


Rehab Consultations & Construction Control on your Fix & Flips 

Ensure your projects go well. Get expert guidance and support on your rehabs from our general contractor to ensure budgets are in line and that vendors are doing what they are supposed to be doing. This peace of mind is beyond valuable. Contractors are one of the trickiest parts of this business! Partner Driven works hard to make sure those contractors are always on time and on budget.

You can also be sure that all the renovations are profitable! Inexperienced investors often put money into the wrong rehab projects! Need to know if hardwood floors will turn a profit or be a money pit? The Partner Driven team will tell you exactly what rehabs will improve the bottom line. Plus, did we mention that we’ll cover the cost of the rehab? =)


partner benefit #5


Rehab Consultations & Construction Control on your Fix & Flips

Ensure your projects go well. Get expert guidance and support on your rehabs from our general contractor to ensure budgets are in line and that vendors are doing what they are supposed to be doing. This peace of mind is beyond valuable. Contractors are one of the trickiest parts of this business! Partner Driven works hard to make sure those contractors are always on time and on budget.

You can also be sure that all the renovations are profitable! Inexperienced investors often put money into the wrong rehab projects! Need to know if hardwood floors will turn a profit or be a money pit? The Partner Driven team will tell you exactly what rehabs will improve the bottom line. Plus, did we mention that we’ll cover the cost of the rehab? =)

our proof is in our flips

our proof is in our flips



partner benefit #6


In-house closing office support on the deals you do with us. This includes all the contracts, paperwork, inspections, attorneys, title companies and more

Never deal with the paperwork again! As a partner you get complete back office support from our team. Our office will do the work for you, from creating the contracts, to getting comps, to closing the deals. We take care of (and pay for!) everything including inspections, title searches, closing costs and more.


partner benefit #6


In-house closing office support on the deals you do with us. This includes all the contracts, paperwork, inspections, attorneys, title companies and more

Never deal with the paperwork again! As a partner you get complete back office support from our team. Our office will do the work for you, from creating the contracts, to getting comps, to closing the deals. We take care of (and pay for!) everything including inspections, title searches, closing costs and more.

our proof is in our support

our proof is in our support

Social media post
Closing property
Social media post
Closing property



partner benefit #7


The Complete Video Training series on how to generate profitable deals, including all of our scripts for closing and negotiating deals

Get our complete Video Training Series teaching the A-Z’s of generating, executing, and closing profitable deals. In our community we have over 100 hours of training that deep dive into deal generation, marketing, negotiations and more.


partner benefit #7


The Complete Video Training series on how to generate profitable deals, including all of our scripts for closing and negotiating deals 

Get our complete Video Training Series teaching the A-Z’s of generating, executing, and closing profitable deals. In our community we have over 100 hours of training that deep dive into deal generation, marketing, negotiations and more.

our proof is in your education

our proof is in your education

rafa training
ben training
julie training
barry training
rafa training
ben training
julie training
barry training



partner benefit #8


Access to our nationwide Partner Community and private Facebook Group

Grow with like minded people cheering each other on!!! Get 24/7 access to our partner community with all of our resources, current events, discussions and more!


partner benefit #8


Access to our nationwide Partner Community and private Facebook Group

Grow with like minded people cheering each other on!!! Get 24/7 access to our partner community with all of our resources, current events, discussions and more!

our proof is in our community

our proof is in our community

Signed deal
Social media post
Social media post
Signed deal
Social media post
Social media post





Free Trial of the Deal Driven App! 

This app makes it crazy simple find off-market deals. Imagine being able to easily add properties to your database, find the owners, initiate marketing campaigns and more from just a few clicks.




This app makes it crazy simple find off-market deals. Imagine being able to easily add properties to your database, find the owners, initiate marketing campaigns and more from just a few clicks.

our proof is in our app

our proof is in our app






the syllabus

Our goal is to coach & assist you in growing a viable and profitable real estate investment business. We will guide you through each step and provide vital services for you along the way. Partner Driven is the most comprehensive, hands-on real estate program in the nation. We jump into deals with you, roll up our sleeves, and teach you how it’s done. The objective is simple: For you to become successful, independent, and lead a secure financial lifestyle.

Our business model is both financially focused and lifestyle focused.

The Partner Driven model can be duplicated in ANY real estate market. With dedicated implementation, the tools and knowledge you gain will place you on the path to finding & closing profitable deals.

Why do we feel so confident that we can make you successful? We are currently doing it with Partners nationwide. With Partner Driven, you’re not working with gurus, you are working with actual real estate investors that do the deals WITH you.

The Partner Driven Program consists of 7 parts:

  1. Your Map to Success
  2. Building Commitment
  3. On-Boarding
  4. Marketing
  5. Implementation
  6. Wholesale, Flips and Long Term Holds
  7. Retail Real Estate

Part 1: Your Map to Success

  • As your business coach, we provide you with the exact steps to reach your overall goal.
  • It is important for you to follow each step.
  • We thoroughly explain each procedure and process.
  • We provide the scripts, contracts, worksheets, and checklists.
  • We will work together to ensure a healthy business relationship at all times.

Part 2: Making the Commitment to Have a Successful Real Estate Investing Business 

  • It is important that each party actively delivers the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly commitments that will get you to your goal.
  • You must be willing to invest time and money into your business as needed. Both of these vary, and can be adjusted based upon individual goals and objectives.
  • Invest time, money, and energy to your employees. Your employees can often make you or break you. Make the commitment to make good choices when hiring, training and rewarding your employees.

Part 3: On-Boarding 

  • We will analyze your current business situation and tailor strategies to your level of understanding of the business.
  • We will assist you, as needed, to insure implementation and weekly progression.
  • We will provide you with an exact diagram of the process.
  • We will teach you each process until we feel you completely understand its importance.
  • We will share our secrets of outside vendor recommendations. We have negotiated pricing and through experience found what works the best.
  • With a step by step plan, we will help you organize your time, staff, and plan of daily activities.
  • We will provide you with material such as scripts, lead sheets, and training materials.

Part 4: Marketing

  • We have developed a marketing plan that will get your phones ringing.
  • We will provide you with direct mail material as well as an implementation process to maximize your percentage of responses.
  • We will implement other viable resources of marketing that will increase volume immediately.
  • We place you in front of industry leaders for resources such as website building, media, and advertising.

Part 5:  Implementation of Process

  • We will show you our negotiation processes.
  • We will provide you with contracts.
  • We will also show the best ways to send contracts to potential sellers.
  • We will coach you on how to work with our back office so you can get deals to the closing table.
  • We will help you understand your reporting mechanism and why it is important to track daily/weekly progress in each area of your business.
  • We will break down each and every step so that you can manage maximum profitability within a deal cycle.
  • We will help you understand the exit strategy of every deal.
  • You will receive the Deal Driven app! It will help you find deals, run skip traces, and track your progress

Part 6: Wholesale, Flips and Long Term Holds 

  • Wholesale
    • We will teach you the steps to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the properties.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • Show you how to weed out time wasters and people that are trying to tie up your time and money.
    • Show you how to choose a good attorney.
    • We will design and implement a plan for getting your deals sold.
    • We will teach you the steps that it takes to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the property to.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.
  • Long Term Holds
    • We will show you how to develop long term holds in your market place.
    • Because our system is set up to resell to other investors, if you choose to hold properties, you will have great margins.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.
  • Buy Fix and Sell
    • We will teach you the steps to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the property.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • Show you how weed out time wasters and people that are trying to tie up your time and money.
    • Tips on how to choose a good attorney.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.

Part 7: The World of Retail Real Estate

Realtors and Investors seem to be in two different worlds. And they are worlds apart in most real estate companies. We have developed a plan to make money on your throw away leads by realtors listing these properties.

It is difficult for realtors to find fresh, hot seller leads. They are often lead to conventional lead sources, such as expired listings or FSBO leads. These are warm leads at best. Not to mention, every other go-getter realtor is calling those leads.

Think of this…people that are calling you are interested in selling their home, right? With our system, we can teach your negotiators and realtors the best ways to convert these leads into homes sold. We also have industry contacts that can place you with a good brokerage.

So, essentially every person that calls your office either turns into an investor lead or into a realtor lead. Once the realtor sells the home and receives a commission, they will pay you a referral fee. If you are wholesaling or flipping, getting in with your local brokerage is crucial. They can provide a great deal of support to the agents you work with.

  • We will show you how to convert your leads that aren’t deals into retail listings.
  • We will help you determine what types of agent best fits our business model.
  • Show you how to effectively train agents to prospect using your leads.
  • Explain to you how to negotiate profit splits with brokers/agents.
  • Show you how to track each and every lead. With our computer system, you will be able to track the lead from start to the closing table.

We will be here every step of the way. Phone support is unlimited as needed. Additional cost and expenses may occur whenever we visit onsite. You will have the ability to visit our office.

This agreement is just an outline of the process and coaching that will occur during our partnership.It may be necessary that we add to this agreement as market changes and supply and demand change.


the syllabus

Our goal is to coach & assist you in growing a viable and profitable real estate investment business. We will guide you through each step and provide vital services for you along the way. Partner Driven is the most comprehensive, hands-on real estate program in the nation. We jump into deals with you, roll up our sleeves, and teach you how it’s done. The objective is simple: For you to become successful, independent, and lead a secure financial lifestyle.

Our business model is both financially focused and lifestyle focused.

The Partner Driven model can be duplicated in ANY real estate market. With dedicated implementation, the tools and knowledge you gain will place you on the path to finding & closing profitable deals.

Why do we feel so confident that we can make you successful? We are currently doing it with Partners nationwide. With Partner Driven, you’re not working with gurus, you are working with actual real estate investors that do the deals WITH you.

The Partner Driven Program consists of 7 parts:

  1. Your Map to Success
  2. Building Commitment
  3. On-Boarding
  4. Marketing
  5. Implementation
  6. Wholesale, Flips and Long Term Holds
  7. Retail Real Estate

Part 1: Your Map to Success

  • As your business coach, we provide you with the exact steps to reach your overall goal.
  • It is important for you to follow each step.
  • We thoroughly explain each procedure and process.
  • We provide the scripts, contracts, worksheets, and checklists.
  • We will work together to ensure a healthy business relationship at all times.

Part 2: Making the Commitment to Have a Successful Real Estate Investing Business 

  • It is important that each party actively delivers the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly commitments that will get you to your goal.
  • You must be willing to invest time and money into your business as needed. Both of these vary, and can be adjusted based upon individual goals and objectives.
  • Invest time, money, and energy to your employees. Your employees can often make you or break you. Make the commitment to make good choices when hiring, training and rewarding your employees.

Part 3: On-Boarding 

  • We will analyze your current business situation and tailor strategies to your level of understanding of the business.
  • We will assist you, as needed, to insure implementation and weekly progression.
  • We will provide you with an exact diagram of the process.
  • We will teach you each process until we feel you completely understand its importance.
  • We will share our secrets of outside vendor recommendations. We have negotiated pricing and through experience found what works the best.
  • With a step by step plan, we will help you organize your time, staff, and plan of daily activities.
  • We will provide you with material such as scripts, lead sheets, and training materials.

Part 4: Marketing

  • We have developed a marketing plan that will get your phones ringing.
  • We will provide you with direct mail material as well as an implementation process to maximize your percentage of responses.
  • We will implement other viable resources of marketing that will increase volume immediately.
  • We place you in front of industry leaders for resources such as website building, media, and advertising.

Part 5:  Implementation of Process

  • We will show you our negotiation processes.
  • We will provide you with contracts.
  • We will also show the best ways to send contracts to potential sellers.
  • We will coach you on how to work with our back office so you can get deals to the closing table.
  • We will help you understand your reporting mechanism and why it is important to track daily/weekly progress in each area of your business.
  • We will break down each and every step so that you can manage maximum profitability within a deal cycle.
  • We will help you understand the exit strategy of every deal.
  • You will receive the Deal Driven app! It will help you find deals, run skip traces, and track your progress

Part 6: Wholesale, Flips and Long Term Holds 

  • Wholesale
    • We will teach you the steps to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the properties.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • Show you how to weed out time wasters and people that are trying to tie up your time and money.
    • Show you how to choose a good attorney.
    • We will design and implement a plan for getting your deals sold.
    • We will teach you the steps that it takes to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the property to.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.
  • Long Term Holds
    • We will show you how to develop long term holds in your market place.
    • Because our system is set up to resell to other investors, if you choose to hold properties, you will have great margins.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.
  • Buy Fix and Sell
    • We will teach you the steps to move through your deal cycle.
    • We will show you how to find backend buyers to wholesale the property.
    • We will help you understand cash flow margins as well as equity margins.
    • Show you how weed out time wasters and people that are trying to tie up your time and money.
    • Tips on how to choose a good attorney.
    • We will also be there to discuss your ideas of profitability within your rehab process.

Part 7: The World of Retail Real Estate

Realtors and Investors seem to be in two different worlds. And they are worlds apart in most real estate companies. We have developed a plan to make money on your throw away leads by realtors listing these properties.

It is difficult for realtors to find fresh, hot seller leads. They are often lead to conventional lead sources, such as expired listings or FSBO leads. These are warm leads at best. Not to mention, every other go-getter realtor is calling those leads.

Think of this…people that are calling you are interested in selling their home, right? With our system, we can teach your negotiators and realtors the best ways to convert these leads into homes sold. We also have industry contacts that can place you with a good brokerage.

So, essentially every person that calls your office either turns into an investor lead or into a realtor lead. Once the realtor sells the home and receives a commission, they will pay you a referral fee. If you are wholesaling or flipping, getting in with your local brokerage is crucial. They can provide a great deal of support to the agents you work with.

  • We will show you how to convert your leads that aren’t deals into retail listings.
  • We will help you determine what types of agent best fits our business model.
  • Show you how to effectively train agents to prospect using your leads.
  • Explain to you how to negotiate profit splits with brokers/agents.
  • Show you how to track each and every lead. With our computer system, you will be able to track the lead from start to the closing table.

We will be here every step of the way. Phone support is unlimited as needed. Additional cost and expenses may occur whenever we visit onsite. You will have the ability to visit our office.

This agreement is just an outline of the process and coaching that will occur during our partnership.It may be necessary that we add to this agreement as market changes and supply and demand change.



you could be our next
success story

Before we move forward, it’s important that you understand there are people just like you succeeding with us everyday. Imagine what you can do when you have the “knowledge, experience, and money” part of this business taken care of through Partner Driven.

Seth is making over $100,000 a month with Partner Driven…
Mother of six makes over $9,000 on her first deal…
Jamari’s first deal turns $100,000 profit…
Henry closes 4 deals in his first month…
Seth makes his money on the follow up…
Belinda splits $35,000 on a wholesale deal…

you could be our next
success story

Before we move forward, it’s important that you understand there are people just like you succeeding with us everyday. Imagine what you can do when you have the “knowledge, experience, and money” part of this business taken care of through Partner Driven.

Seth is making over $100,000 a month with Partner Driven…
Mother of six makes over $9,000 on her first deal…
Jamari’s first deal turns $100,000 profit…
Henry closes 4 deals in his first month…
Seth makes his money on the follow up…
Belinda splits $35,000 on a wholesale deal…



my special offer to you…
join our partner community!

Over the last several pages we have detailed for you this amazing opportunity.

The opportunity to be coached by us and have us fund 100% of your deals.

There is nothing like it out there. This is a truly revolutionary program, and we are creating successful new investors every single day.

For less than the cost of one loan down payment, you can get a membership into our coaching partner community that includes:

Remember, in this Partner Program, our team will fund 100% of your deals. For you that means no loans, no down payments, no rehab expenses, no carrying costs, no closing costs.

Let’s Kill It,
Peter & Julie

The Partner Driven Stack-black

my special offer to you…
join our partner community!

Over the last several pages we have detailed for you this amazing opportunity.

The opportunity to be coached by us and have us fund 100% of your deals.

There is nothing like it out there. This is a truly revolutionary program, and we are creating successful new investors every single day.

For less than the cost of one loan down payment, you can get a membership into our coaching partner community that includes:

Remember, in this Partner Program, our team will fund 100% of your deals. For you that means no loans, no down payments, no rehab expenses, no carrying costs, no closing costs.

Let’s Kill It,
Peter & Julie

The Partner Driven Stack-black

The time has come.
If you read this whole proposal, you are serious about Real Estate Investing. Take the next step! Become a Partner!